UART - universal asynchronous reseiver-transmitter FPGA - field-programmable gate array bluetooth - short-range radio technology aimed at simplifying communications among Net devices and between devices and the Internet. MEMS - micro electromechanical sensor NSD - networked sensor device TND - tiny network devices DAC - digital to analog converter ASIC - application-specific integrated circuit SRAM - static RAM EEPROM - electrically erasable programmable read-only memory DSP - digital signal processing refers to manipulating analog information, such as sound or photographs that has been converted into a digital form. SAN - Storage Area Network is a high-speed subnetwork of shared storage devices. A storage device is a machine that contains nothing but a disk or disks for storing data. MPP - massively parallel processing CLUMPS - cluster of SMPs OSPF - open Shortest Path First is a routing protocol developed for IP networks based on the shortest path first or link-state algorithm. IC - integrated circuits - another name for a chip CRC - cyclic redundancy check