
A compiled executable in release mode does not have references of either source-code variable names or line numbers. An executable compiled in debug mode retains these references. This allows:

Debug mode executable is larger in size and slower, but otherwise performs similarly to release mode executable. You can easily switch between compilation modes through the window in the top toolbar.


Breakpoint is a line in the program where the execution stops. Tracing the program step-by-step may become tedious, especially if the program is large. Instead a breakpoint may be set at the particular line of interest. To add a breakpoint in Microsoft Visual Studio (MSVS), click the marker bar located on the left margin of the editor view beside the line of code where you want to add a breakpoint. A red dot is displayed in the marker bar. To clear (remove) a breakpoint, click on the red dot associated with it.

Tracing Program

To start tracing a built program, press F5 or click on the green triangle on the toolbar. This opens the tracing windows: The program execution stops at the first breakpoint. Note that if you did not specify any breakpoints, the program will run to completion. Instead of selecting breakpoints, you can right-click on the desired line and select "run to cursor" from the dropdown menu. This will suspend the program at the selected line.

Alternatively, pressing F10 would start the program and suspend it on the first executable line.

Hitting "step over" F10 key or clicking on the appropriate icon on the toolbar, advances the program execution exactly one line. Repeatedly "stepping over" the lines of the program in this fashion allows the programmer to trace the program execution in detail.

Observing Variables with "Autos" and "Locals" Window

As you trace your program, the values of the variables can be observed in the "Autos" and "Locals" tabs of the debugging window (usually located in the bottom left corner of the MSVS). "Locals" shows all the variables that are in scope at the particular step of program execution. The variables that changed their values since the last step are shown in red.

"Autos" shows only the variables three lines above and three lines below the current statement. The amount of information shown is limited and it allows you to focus on the variables that are relevant to the context. This is particularly helpful if the program is large, the number of in-scope variables is big and the "Locals" tab becomes crowded.

Displaying Arrays in Watch Window

The values of the local variables are displayed by the MSVS automatically in the "Autos" and "Locals" tab of the debugging window. However, some values cannot be automatically shown. For example, once an array is passed to a function as a parameter, its size information is lost. The debugger cannot present the array and its contents properly.

The debugger window has "Watch" tab to display arbitrary values. For example, you can instruct it to compute and display an expression based on the values of the variables. Watch can be used to display arrays once its size information is lost. For that, in the name column enter the name of the array, then "comma" then the array size you want to observe. Once entered, the watch can be expanded to observe all values of the array. See figure.

Observing Program Stack

As you trace your program, it is possible to examine program stack frames of all the caller functions with their respective local variables. MSVS display program stack in "Call Stack" tab of the bottom-right debug windows. The yellow arrow indicates the function frame where the execution is currently suspended. By double-clicking on the particular function frame in the stack, you can observe the variables that are local to the selected frame the "Locals" tab of this window.