Xcode INSTALLATION - Visit https://xcodereleases.com/ and locate the latest version of Xcode that is supported by your version of Mac. To find the version of Mac, select the Apple icon in the top left of your screen, and select "About This Mac". - This will take you to the download page. You will need an Apple Account to use Xcode. - install and open Xcode. - To create a new project in Xcode 1. Click "Create a new Xcode project" on the left side under "welcome to Xcode" a new window will pop up 2. Make sure "macOS" is select at the top of the pop up, DO NOT click next 3. Select "Command Line Tool" from the list 4. Click next 5. Make sure that C++ is select for language, the language should be the last one shown. 6. Next to "Product Name" put the name of the lab you are working on for example "Lab 2 Branching" 7. Click next * If necessary under "Organization Identifier" put CSI or Kent State 8. Select the folder you want to store the porject on your mac. Common locations are "Documents", "Desktop", ect 9. On the left pannel select "main.cpp" You can now edit your code. To run it simply press the "play button" at the top left. Breakpoints and other debugging feature work similarly to visual studio SUBVERSION INSTALLATION For M1 we found no stable subversion clients. So we recommend using command line subversion commands explained in Unix guide here https://www.cs.kent.edu/~mikhail/classes/csi/Labs/Unix/tutorial.html From a terminal on your Mac 1. install homebrew via https://brew.sh/ 2. install svn with the command brew install svn 3. Install svnX with the command brew install svnx 4. attempt to open svnX when prompted to either "move to trash" or "cancel" selected cancel 5. go to system preferences -> security and privacy -> general and select "open anyways" at the bottom 6. select open in the next pop up 7. add the class repo and enter your kent state username and password If the above does not work, here is a link to SvnX installation instructions: h ttps://www.switchingtomac.com/tutorials/general-software/get-started-with-subversion-using-svnx/