Charlie's Collection: Objects with Dynamically Allocated Members

  1. Collection with Classes, Testing. Study Code and Object Definition Windows of Microsoft Visual Studio described here. As you work on the below project, demonstrate to the instructor the usage of this feature.

    Create a project titled Lab11_CollectionTest. Implement the collection of doubles described in the previous lab as a class Collection. You should use this class definition. The class attributes are a pointer to the dynamically allocated array col_ and the array size size_ This class contains two groups of methods:

    Your code should work with this test program. It is designed to test your implementation of Collection class.

  2. Variable Size Array with Classes, Implementation. Create a project titled Lab11_CharliesCollectionClasses. Using the class implemented in the first part of this lab, implement the functionality of the second part of the previous lab. That is, write a program that asks the user to input numbers to add to and remove from the array and then prints its contents and the total value stored in all the elements.

Milestone: implement addNumber(), removeNumber(), and check() functions for the first part of the assignment.

Make sure your programs adhere to proper programming style. Submit your projects to the subversion repository. Do not forget to verify your submission on the web.