DIFFERENCES WITH Problem Solving With C++ by Walter J. Savitch, Pearson, 2017, Tenth Edition, ISBN: 978-0134448282 * compulsive return 0; in Savitch every function, including main() has return 0; statement this is old style. Not used often * using namespace std; this imports all names from the standard namespace. This style is sloppy and is frowned upon. We explicitly import needed names: using std::cin; using std::cout; * function opening curly bracket is on a separate line, same for brancing/looping Savitch uses this style: if(i > 0) { // body of the loop } we use this style: if(i > 0){ // body of the loop } * const capitalization: states const int MY_CONST = 55; this is old style. Now constants are capitalized the same way as variables const int myConst = 55; * says "increment by one": increment already means "add one" so "increment by one" is redundant * output stream formatting: not discussed in class Operations like these: cout.setf(ios::right); cout.width(10); are ignored * compulsive use of suffix increment. i++; instead of ++i; This is old style, may lead to inefficiencies.