file1.txt: 1: hello world!
file2.txt: 1: hello world
file1.txt: 3: hello worldd
file2.txt: 3: hello worlddd
file1.txt: 7: how was today?
file2.txt: 7: how was your day?
file1.txt: 9: whet is the date today?
file2.txt: 9: what is the date?
file1.txt: 10: sadkfl
file2.txt: 10: sadkfj
file1.txt: 11: 
file2.txt: 11: sdafsfsdfsf
file1.txt: 12: 
file2.txt: 12: sadfjsdakjfbsakjdbfkjds
file1.txt: 13: cxmvbxcmv
file2.txt: 13: 
file1.txt: 14: xcvxc
file2.txt: 14: 
file1.txt: 15: eirwwer
file2.txt: 15: 
file1.txt: 16: werwe
file2.txt: 16: 
file1.txt: 17: werwewer
file2.txt: 17: 
file1.txt: 18: werwe
file2.txt: 18: 
file1.txt: 20: Hello
file2.txt: 20: Hallo
file1.txt: 25: World????
file2.txt: 25: World!
file1.txt: 100: This is line 100
file2.txt: 100: This is lne 100
file1.txt: 101: This is line 101
file2.txt: 101: 
file1.txt: 102: file1.txt is longer
file2.txt: 102: 