Some readers might lose the confidence in authors that find
mistakes in their own earlier publications.
anonymous reviewer
- "TRAIL: Cross-Shard Validation for Cryptocurrency Byzantine Shard Protection"
- conference version Joseph Oglio, Mikhail Nesterenko, Gokarna Sharma, The 26th International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems (SSS 2024), pp. 381-397, Nagoya, Japan, October 2024
- technical report arXiv: 2405.07146 , Mitch Jacovetty, Joseph Oglio, Mikhail Nesterenko, Gokarna Sharma, May 12, 2024
- Rachel Bricker, Mikhail Nesterenko, Gokarna Sharma, "Consensus Through Knot Discovery in Asynchronous Dynamic Networks"
- converence version The 26th International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems (SSS 2024) ,
pp. 432-445, Nagoya, Japan, October 2024,
- technical report arXiv: 2406.04497, Jun 6, 2024
- Brown Zaz, Mikhail Nesterenko, Gokarna Sharma,"BeRGeR: Byzantine-Robust Geometric Routing"
- Joseph Oglio, Kendric Hood, Gokarna Sharma, Mikhail Nesterenko, "Consensus on an Unknown Torus with Dense Byzantine Faults"
- Rachel Bricker, Mikhail Nesterenko and Gokarna Sharma, "Blockchain in Dynamic Networks"
- 24th International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems, pp. 114-129, Clermont-Ferrand, France, November 2022, slides
- technical report arXiv: 2208.03355, Aug 5, 2022
- Joseph Oglio, Kendric Hood, Mikhail Nesterenko, Sebastien Tixeuil
"QUANTAS: Quantitative User-friendly Adaptable Networked Things
Abstract Simulator",
- conference version Advanced tools, programming languages, and PLatforms for Implementing and Evaluating algorithms for Distributed systems (apPLIED), pp.40-45, Salerno, Italy, July 2022, slides
- technical report arXiv: 2205.04930v3, May 16, 2022
- Kendric Hood, Joseph Oglio, Mikhail Nesterenko, Gokarna Sharma, "Partitionable Asynchronous Cryptocurrency Blockchain"
- Joseph Oglio, Kendric Hood, Gokarna Sharma, Mikhail Nesterenko, "Byzantine Geoconsensus"
- conference version, 9th International Converence on Networked Systems (NETYS), May 2021, virtual, best student paper award
- brief announcement,
Symposium on Stabilization,
Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems, pp.199-204, November 2020, slides
- technical report
arXiv:2010.02436, October 6, 2020
- Shishir Rai, Kendric Hood, Mikhail Nesterenko, Gokarna Sharma
- J. Adamek, M. Nesterenko, J.S. Robinson, S. Tixeuil, "Concurrent Geometric Multicasting"
- D. Foreback, M. Nesterenko, S. Tixeuil,
- "Churn Possibilities and Impossibilities", 6th International Conference on Networked Systems (NETYS), Essaouira, Morocco, May 2018,
- "Infinite Unlimited Churn (short paper)", 18th Inernational Symposium
on Stabilizaiton, Safety and Security of Distributed Systems, pp. 148-153, Lyon, France, November 2016,
- "Infinite Unlimited Churn"
Laboratoire d.Informatique de Paris 6; Kent State University HAL-01350804, August 2016
- J. Adamek, J.S. Robison, M. Nesterenko, S. Tixeuil "Stateless Reliable Geocasting" 36th IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS), pp.44-53, Hong Kong, September 2017, paper, slides,
abstract implementation code and data
concrete implementation code and data
- J. Adamek, M. Nesterenko, S. Tixeuil,
"Stateless Geocasting"
UPMC Université Paris VI; Kent State University HAL-01168488, June 25, 2015
- Q. Bramas, D. Foreback, M. Nesterenko and S. Tixeuil
- Theory of Computing Systems, 63(2), pp.237-260, February 2019
- Packet Efficient Implementation of the Omega Failure Detector,
18th Inernational Symposium
on Stabilizaiton, Safety and Security of Distributed Systems, pp. 70-87, Lyon, France, November 2016, nominated for best paper award,
- "Packet Efficient Implementation of the Omega Failure Detector"
UPMC Université Paris VI; Kent State University HAL-01153111v1, 2015
- D. Foreback, A. Koutsopoulos, M. Nesterenko, C. Scheideler, T. Strothmann
- "On Stabilizing Departures in Overlay Networks",
16th Interational Symposium on Stabilization, Safety and Security of Distributed
Systems (SSS), pp. 48-62,
Paderborn, Germany, October 2014
- "Stabilizing Finite Churn in Peer-to-Peer Networks",
technical report TR-KSU-CS-2013-02,
Dept. of Computer Science, Kent State University, July 18, 2013
- J. Adamek, M. Nesterenko, S. Tixeuil
- "Evaluating and Optimizing Stabilizing Dining Philosophers", Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 109 (11), pp. 63-74, November 2017,
- "Evaluating and Optimizing Stabilizing Dining Philosophers",
11th European Dependable Computing Conference, pp. 233-244, Paris, France, September 2015, slides
- "Brief Announcement: Designing a Fault Tolerance Algorithm to
Optimize Experimental Performance"
16th Interational Symposium on Stabilization, Safety and Security of Distributed
Systems (SSS), p 349, Paderborn, Germany, October 2014
- "Comparing Self-Stabilizing Dining
Philosophers through Simulation", technical
report TR-KSU-CS-2013-01, Dept of Computer
Science, Kent State University, July 18, 2013
- R. Mohd Nor, M. Nesterenko, S. Tixeuil "Linearizing Peer-to-Peer Systems with Oracles"
- conference version15th Interational Symposium on
Stabilization, Safety and Security of Distributed Systems
(SSS), pp. 221-236, Osaka, Japan, November
2013, slides
- technical report
TR-KSU-CS-2012-02, Dept. of Computer Science, Kent State
University, July 15, 2012.
- J. Adamek, M. Nesterenko, S. Tixeuil
"Evaluating Practical Tolerance
Properties of Stabilizing Programs through Simulation: the
Case of Propagation of Information with Feedback"
14th International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems (SSS), LNCS 7596, pp. 126-132, Toronto, Canada, October 2012 slides,
code and data
- R. Mohd Nor, M. Nesterenko, C. Scheideler "Corona: A Stabilizing
Deterministic Message-Passing Skip List",
- journal version Theoretical Computer Science, 512 (11), pp. 119-129, November 2013.
- conference version 13th International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems, pp. 356-370, Grenoble France, October 2011, best student paper award, presentation
technical report TR-KSU-2011-01, Dept. of Computer Science, Kent State University, May 2011.
- S. Dubois, M. Gradinariu Potop-Butucaru, M. Nesterenko,
S. Tixeuil "Self-Stabilizing Byzantine Asynchronous Unison",
- Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 72(7), pp. 917-923 (2012)
- brief
announcement, 14th International Conference on Principles of
Distributed Systems (OPODIS), pp. 83-86, Tozeur, Tunisia, December
- technical report No 00437691, INRIA, December 2009.
- M. Nesterenko, S. Tixeuil "Ideal Stabilization",
- journal version International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing, 4(4), pp.219-230, November 2013.
- International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA), pp. 224-232, Biopolis, Singapore, March 2011, best paper
award, presentation
- technical report No 00394118, INRIA, June 2009;
TR-KSU-CS-2012-01 Dept. of Computer Science, Kent State University
April 25, 2012.
- R. Nor, M. Nesterenko, P. Lavrentyev "Oxybuoy: Constructing a
Real-Time Inexpensive Hypoxia Monitoring Platform", International Workshop on Advanced
Sensor Integration Technology (ASIT), Niagara Falls, Candada, September 2009 presentation
technical report TR-KSU-CS-2009-01, Kent State University, May 2009.
- T. Clouser, M. Nesterenko, C. Scheideler "Tiara: A Self-Stabilizing
Deterministic Skip List",
- journal version Journal of Theoretical Computer Science, 428(0), pp. 18-35, April 2012, changes since conf. version
- conference version 10th International
Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed
Systems (SSS'08), LNCS vol. 5340, pp. 124-140, Detroit, MI, November 2008.
- technical report TR-KSU-CS-2008-04,
Kent State University, July 2008.
- T. Clouser, M. Miyashita, M. Nesterenko
"Fast Geometric Routing with Concurrent Face Traversal"
- P. Danturi, M. Nesterenko, S. Tixeuil,
"Self-Stabilizing Philosophers with Generic Conflicts"
- journal version,
ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, 4(1), pp. 1-20, January 2009
changes since conf. version
- conference version,
8th International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety,
and Security of Distributed Systems (SSS 2006),
LNCS Volume 4280, pp. 213-230, Dallas, TX, November 2006,
- technical report TR-KSU-CS-2005-05
- Adnan Vora, Mikhail Nesterenko, Sébastien Tixeuil, Sylvie Delaët
"Universe Detectors for Sybil Defense in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks"
- N. Alam, T. Clouser, R. Thomas and M. Nesterenko
"Poster Abstract:
Emuli - Model Driven Sensor Stimuli for Experimentation",
6th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys),
pp. 423-424, Raleigh, NC, November 2008.
- S. Delaet, S. Devismes, M. Nesterenko and S. Tixeuil, "Snap-Stabilization in Message-Passing Systems"
- Journal of Parallel and
Distributed Computing, 70(12), pp. 1220-1230 (December 2010)
- (brief announcement)
27th ACM Symposium on Principles of
Distributed Computing (PODC),
p. 443, Toronto, Canada, August 2008.
- "Stabilisation instanée dans les systèmes
à passage
de messages", Algotel pp. 81-84,
Carry-le-Rouet, France, June 2009
- T. Clouser, A. Vora, T. Fox, M. Nesterenko "Void Traversal
for Efficient Non-Planar Geometric Routing"
Ad Hoc Networks (Elsevier), 11(8), pp. 2345-2355, November 2013
- M. Nesterenko, S. Tixeuil "Discovering
Network Topology in the Presence of Byzantine Faults", errata
- S.Dolev, M. Kopeetsky, T. Clouser, M. Nesterenko
"Low Overheard RFID Security"
in "RFID Handbook: Applications, Technology, Security, and Privacy",
S.A.Ahson, M.Ilyas, Eds. CRC Press, March 2008.
- M. Nesterenko, A. Schiper
"On Properties of the Group Membership
Problem", technical report TR-KSU-CS-2007-01, Kent State University
- S. Pleisch, T. Clouser, M. Nesterenko, A. Schiper
Efficient message ordering in ad hoc networks using virtual
flooding", 25th IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed
Systems (SRDS 2006), pp. 119-131, Leeds, UK, October 2006,
technical report LSR-REPORT-2006-002, EPFL, Switzerland
- R.S. Whittlesey-Harris, M. Nesterenko
"Fault-Tolerance Verification of the Fluids and Combustion Facility of
the International Space Station"
The Fifth International Workshop on Assurance in Distributed
Systems and
Networks (ADSN 2006), pp. 5-14, Lisbon, Portugal, July 2006,
extended version is in technical report
- M. Miyashita, M. Nesterenko, R.D. Shah and A. Vora "Visualizing Wireless Sensor Networks: An Experience
Report", The 2005 International Conference on
Wireless Networks (ICWN-05), pp. 412-419, Las Vegas, NV, June 2005.
- A. Vora, M. Nesterenko "Secure Location Verification Using Radio
- journal version
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure
Computing, 3(4), pp. 377-385, November 2006 ,
changes since conf. version
- conference version
8th International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems
(OPODIS 2004), pp. 259-269, Grenoble, France, December 2004,
also published as LNCS vol. 3544, pp.369-383,
- techreport TR-KSU-CS-2004-01
- D. Watson, M. Nesterenko
"MULE: Hybrid Simulator for Testing and Debugging
Wireless Sensor Networks"
Second International Workshop on Sensor and Actor Network
Protocols and Applications, pp. 67-71, Boston,
Massachusetts, August 2004,
also available as techreport TR-KSU-CS-2004-02
- A. Arora, P. Dutta, S. Bapat, V. Kulathumani, H. Zhang, V. Naik,
V. Mittal, H. Cao, M. Demirbas, M. Gouda, Y-R. Choi, T. Herman,
S. S. Kulkarni, U. Arumugam, M. Nesterenko, A. Vora and
M. Miyashita, "A Line in the sand: A
wireless sensor network for target detection, classification, and
tracking", Computer Networks (Elsevier)
46(5):605-634, December 5, 2004
- M. Nesterenko, A. Arora
"Local Tolerance to Unbounded Byzantine Faults"
21st IEEE Symposium on Reliable
Distributed Systems, pp. 22-29, Suita, Japan, October 2002,
- M. Nesterenko, A. Arora "Dining Philosophers
that Tolerate Malicious Crashes" 22nd International Conference on
Distributed Computing Systems pp. 191-198, Vienna, Austria, July 2002
- M. Nesterenko, A. Arora "Self-Stabilizing
Routing in Wireless Embedded Systems"
SRDS 2001 Workshop on Reliability in Embedded Systems
pp. 16-22, New Orleans, Louisiana, October 2001
- A. Arora, M. Nesterenko "Unifying
Stabilization and Termination in Message-Passing Systems",
- journal version
Distributed Computing 17(3), March 2005, pp. 279-290
- conference version
21st International Conference on Distributed
Computing Systems pp. 99-106, Mesa, Arizona, April 2001
- M. Nesterenko, M. Mizuno "A Quorum-Based
Self-Stabilizing Distributed Mutual-Exclusion
Algorithm", Journal of Parallel and
Distributed Computing 62(2), February 2002, pp. 284-305
- M. Nesterenko, A. Arora "Stabilization-Preserving
Atomicity Refinement",
- journal version
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 62(5)
May 2002, pp. 766-799
- conference version 13th International Symposium on Distributed
Computing, pages 254-268,
Bratislava, Slovak Republic, September 1999
- R.R. Howell, M. Nesterenko, M. Mizuno "Finite-State
Self-Stabilizing Protocols in Message-Passing Systems",
- journal version
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 62(5)
May 2002, pp. 792-817
- conference version, Forth
Workshop on Self-Stabilizing Systems,
pages 62-69, Austin, USA, June 1999
- M. Mizuno, M. Nesterenko, "A Transformation of
Self-Stabilizing Serial Model Programs for Asynchronous Parallel
Computing Environments", Information Processing Letters 66(6), pp.
285-290, 30 June 1998
- H. Kakugawa, M. Mizuno, M. Nesterenko "Development of
Self-Stabilizing Distributed Algorithms
using Transformation: Case Studies"
Third Workshop on Self-Stabilizing Systems, pages 16-30,
Santa Barbara, USA, August 1997, presentation
- M. Mizuno, M. Nesterenko, H. Kakugawa
"Lock Based Self-Stabilizing
Distributed Mutual Exclusion Algorithms", 16th International
Conference on Distributed Computing Systems , pages 708-716, Hong
Kong, May 1996