taleb interpreting is automatic and occasionally a disease, leads to gambling: seeing patterns where there are none stories as a way to reduce complexity myths as therapy news sites check facts, but weave stories, narratives may be misleading confirmation bias, silent evidence, narrative fallacy luddic fallacy belief perseverence 84% of frenchmen believe that their lovemaking put then in top half of french lovers to predict the future you must know it billiard ball - 9th strike, need to factor in the gravitational pull of body standing next to it, 56th strike: every atom in the universe backward and forward process and prediction demand for certainty is an intellectual vice yogi berra: you need to be very prepared if you don't know where you are going because you might not get there cumulative advantage people you meet on the way up, you will meet again on the way down mandelbrodian distribution Scientist is a tool for a library to making another library confusing perspective and retrospective ergotic vs. non-ergotic system funambulism iatrogenics