* kierkegaard wrote on suicide * Albert Camus: "Deciding whether or not life is worth living is to answer the fundamental question in philosophy." * second cause of death among college students * women are 2-3 times likely to attempt suicide, men 4 times as likely to complete it 2/3 violent methods in men 1/3 in women * 40 % of all suicides are in China * women depression rates are 2 times that of men * 30K of suicide in US per year * 1 in 4 leave notes. Most are banal * Esenin slashed his wrists, wrote a poem with his blood then hanged himself. One guy threatened to haunt the place. Smarter schizophrenics are more likely to kill themselves. Virginia Woolf killed herself. * "The list of my enemies is very flattering" * to me pregnancy is protective against suicide, pregnancy and 1st year after 3-8 times diminished suicide rate * 10% of schizophrenics die by suicide, 1 in 4 sch. suffer from serious depression. 30-40% of schiz attemt suicide at least once * eating disorders do mot seem to increase suicide rate, OCD not affected, borderlone personality disprder 3/4. attempt suicide 5-10 succeed, anti-social personality disorder familial disorders * 10% of police shooting fatalities in US are suicide-by-cop * 60% of suicides 8n US is by firearm * immigrants use preferred suicide methods of their native country until they assimilate. people have incorrect ideas about deadliness of particular means of suicide - underestimate guns, overestimate pills, drawn to places reported in the media, copycat suicides * 5-10% of suicides are in psych hospitals 1/3-1/2 of homeless are severely mentally ill, Kennedy's de-institutionalization act * scientists,composers, top businessmen are 5 times more likely to kill themselves than general population more than half of suicide attempts occur after premeditation period <5mins more than half of 6-11yods believe death is reversible * china: in 1990 180K chinese suicides women comitted more than 50% of world female suicides * suicides peak 7am-4pm, on Monday, in May-June * women psychiatrists, but not teachers, have 3-5 times suicide rate of general population * perestroika 1984-88 suicide rate fell by 35%