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"Shaper/Mechanist" | - Bruce Sterling |
Мерцал закат как сталь клинка. Свою добычу смерть считала. Бой будет завтра, а пока, Взвод зарывался в облака И уходил по перевалу. |
The sunset's twinkling steel of blade The Death was counting its prey The fight's tomorrow, as for now The troops were climbing up the hills And digging deep into the clouds |
Voennaia Pesnia -V. Visotski 1966 | War Song, my translation |
The Lord of the Rings, | J.R.R.Tolkien |
"A Time To Love and a Time To Die", | Erich Maria Remarque |
Sting&Dominic Miller | "Shape of My Heart" |
Я тот, чей взор надежду губит, Едва надежда расцветет, Я тот, кого никто не любит, И все живущее клянет. |
I am he, whose gaze destroys hope, As soon as hope blooms; I am he, whom nobody loves, And everything that lives curses. |
A Demon | Yu. Lermontov |
H. P. Lovecraft |
"Dune", | Frank Herbert |
"Dune", | Frank Herbert |
Recollections of 1900's immigrant |
"Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep", | Phillip K. Dick |
"The Fire from Within", | Carlos Castaneda |
"Foucault's Pendulum", | Umberto Eco |
"Foucault's Pendulum", | Umberto Eco |
I ache. I am exhausted. I feel like I have just f*cked the bridge.
"The Bridge", | Iain Banks |
"Animal Farm", | George Orwell |
"The Great Depression", | Robert S. McElvaine |
Noam Chomsky |
Russian prison saying. |
A graffiti on the walls of the destroyed Reichstag Berlin, Germany, Winter 1946 |
Между землеи и небом -- война Война без особых причин, Война - дело молодых Лекарство против морщин. |
There is a war between Heaven and Earth. A war without particular reasons, A war is a business of the young, It's a medicine against wrinkles |
Война, Виктор Цой | The War, Viktor Tsoi |
"Heart of Darkness and the Secret Sharer", | Joseph Conrad |
"The Moon and Sixpence", | W. Somerset Maugham |
"The Moon and Sixpence", | W. Somerset Maugham |
"Answer to Job", | C.G. Jung |
"Answer to Job", | C.G. Jung |
Ujun Haji, | The muslim leader of Chechen resistance in 1920-ies. |
-Teaching of al-Yaraghi, | +muslim leader in Chechnya and Daghestan, 1820-ies |
According to Norm Zadeh, who rates the performance of money managers, only 1-2% of money-slingers have a consistent and substantial record for good performance. Most do a little less well than the market averages, which isn't surprising, since they _are_ the market, and because fees and commissions shave a bit off their returns.
In its forecasting, math-happy economics exposes its limits to the world, proving Wassily Leontief (1971) too kind in his remark that 'in no other field of empirical inquiry has so massive and sophisticated a statistical machinery been used with such indifferent results.'
Investing is a social activity: both amateur and professional investors spend lots of time gossiping, researching, and comparing performance. Financial markets are not the sum of the rational expectations of reasoning investors, but the collective judgment of a mob.
"Wall Street: How It Works and for Whom" | Doug Henwood |
Eagerly I sat down and began to carve into the top of my foot with a piece of green glass. It wasn't easy, because the glass was so rough. I was surprised at the toughness of my skin. I made several gouges, not even slicing through the long tendons running the length of the top of my foot. A few drops of blood oozed forth, then the wounds just sort of lay there doing nothing. I poked around in them with my finger trying to get beneath the skin edges to probe into the machinery inside, but the skin was tenacious and hung tightly to my underlying flesh. I pulled the wounds as far open as they would stretch, but I couldn't see any machines inside. The humming stopped. I had missed my chance.
"Welcome, Silence" | Carol North (quoted from "Madness on the Couch" by Edward Dolnick) |
Unlike the commemoration of the flag raising at Iwo Jima, these soldiers are flagless and exhausted. They seem to be waiting for something. But the only thing visible in the direction in which they look are the giant slabs with the names of their dead comrades.
"The Vietnam Wars 1945-1990" | Marilyn B. Young |
Our black ladies have rather a tendency to the Amazonian cast of character; and I believe that their husbands would be very sorry to hear that they were placed beyond the reach of chastisement.
"Capitalism and Slavery" | Eric Williams |
And far from being intimidated, civil population met the terror with such courage and firmness as frightened the terrorists. Three blacks were condemned to be burnt alive. A huge crowd stood round while two of them were consumed, uttering horrible cries. But the third, a boy of 19, bound so that he could not see the other two called to them in creole, "You do not know how to die. See how to die." by a great effort he twisted his body in his bonds, sat down and, placing his feet in the flames, let them burn without uttering a groan.