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Intelligence is very much a two-edged sword ... It interferes with the business of living. Life, and intelligence, do not mix very well.They are not at all closely related as you childishly assume.
"Shaper/Mechanist" - Bruce Sterling

A quote on the eve of a prelim:

Мерцал закат как сталь клинка.
Свою добычу смерть считала.
Бой будет завтра, а пока,
Взвод зарывался в облака
И уходил по перевалу.
The sunset's twinkling steel of blade
The Death was counting its prey
The fight's tomorrow, as for now
The troops were climbing up the hills
And digging deep into the clouds

Voennaia Pesnia -V. Visotski 1966War Song, my translation

Do not tell me what kind of day I should have.
Then they halted and looked at him and saw that he lived still; but he did not look at them. "The way is shut, his voice said again. It was made by those who are Dead, and the Dead keep it, until the time comes. The way is shut."
The Lord of the Rings, J.R.R.Tolkien

...It's easier to die than to live. Especially for one of you - the heroic youth and flower of the nation!
"A Time To Love and a Time To Die",Erich Maria Remarque

I know the spades are the swords of a soldier
I know the clubs are weapons of war
I know the diamonds mean money for this art
But they are not the shape of my heart
Sting&Dominic Miller "Shape of My Heart"

Я тот, чей взор надежду губит,
Едва надежда расцветет,
Я тот, кого никто не любит,
И все живущее клянет.
I am he, whose gaze destroys hope,
As soon as hope blooms;
I am he, whom nobody loves,
And everything that lives curses.
A Demon Yu. Lermontov

The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.
H. P. Lovecraft

[ Paul: ] "Gurney says there's no artistry in killing with the tip, that it should be done with the edge."
"Gurney's a romantic," the Duke growled ... "I'd soon you never had to kill ... but if the need arises, you do it however you can - tip or edge."
"Dune", Frank Herbert

"His people scream his name as they leap into battle. The women throw their babies at us and hurl themselves onto our knives to open wedge for their men to attack us. They have no ... no ... decency!"
"Dune", Frank Herbert

I came to America because I heard that streets here were paved with gold. When I came I learned three things:
first: streets in America are not paved with gold;
second: streets in America are not paved at all;
third: I am expected to pave them.
Recollections of 1900's immigrant

"Do you think I did wrong?" he asked. "What I did today?"
"Merser said it was wrong but I should do it anyhow. Really weird. Sometimes it's better to do something wrong than right."
"Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep", Phillip K. Dick

The unknown becomes the known at a given time. The unknowable, on the other hand, is the indescribable, the unthinkable, the unrealizable. It is something that will never be known to us, and yet it is there, dazzling and at the same time horrifying in its vastness.
"The Fire from Within", Carlos Castaneda

... I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had an underlying truth.
"Foucault's Pendulum", Umberto Eco

There must be a connection between the lust for power and impotentia coeundi. I liked Marx, I was sure that he and his Jenny had made love merrily. I can feel it in the easy pace of his prose and in his humor. On the other hand, I remember remarking one day in the corridors of the university that if you screwed Krupskaya all the time, you'd end up writing a lousy book like "Materialism and Empiriocriticism"
"Foucault's Pendulum", Umberto Eco

Abberaline collapses on top of me, panting and relaxing; limbs sprawled. She lies on me, breathing hard, perfumed hair tickling my nose.

I ache. I am exhausted. I feel like I have just f*cked the bridge.
"The Bridge", Iain Banks

"No sentimentality, comrade!" cried Snowball, from whose wounds the blood was still dripping. "War is war. The only good human being is a dead one"
"Animal Farm", George Orwell

... striking longshoremen "patrolled like vultures" along the waterfront. When they caught a strikebreaker they kicked out his teeth and then laid his leg across a curb and jumped on it.
"The Great Depression", Robert S. McElvaine

Education is a system of imposed ignorance.
Noam Chomsky

Don't trust anyone, don't fear anything, don't ask anyone for anything.
Russian prison saying.

Blessed are the dead for their hands do not freeze
A graffiti on the walls of
the destroyed Reichstag
Berlin, Germany, Winter 1946

Между землеи и небом -- война
Война без особых причин,
Война - дело молодых
Лекарство против морщин.
There is a war between Heaven and Earth.
A war without particular reasons,
A war is a business of the young,
It's a medicine against wrinkles
Война, Виктор Цой The War, Viktor Tsoi

She was savage and superb, wild-eyed and magnificent; there was something ominous and stately in her deliberate progress. And in hush that had fallen suddenly upon the whole sorrowful land, the immense wilderness, the colossal body of the fecund and mysterious life seemed to look at her, pensive, as though it had been looking at the image of it's own tenebrous and passionate soul.
"Heart of Darkness and the Secret Sharer", Joseph Conrad

It is always distressing when outraged morality does not possess the strength of arm to administer direct chastisement on the sinner.
"The Moon and Sixpence", W. Somerset Maugham

I have always been a little disconcerted by the passion women have for behaving beautifully at the deathbed of those they love. Sometimes it seems as if they grudge the longevity which postpones their chance of an effective scene.
"The Moon and Sixpence", W. Somerset Maugham

The "revelation" was experienced by an early Christian who, as a leading light of the community, presumably had to live an exemplary life and demonstrate to his flock the Christian virtues of true faith, humility, patience, devotion, selfless love, and denial of all worldly desires. In the long run this can become too much, even for the most righteous. Irritability, bad moods, and outbursts of affect are the classic symptoms of chronic virtuousness.
"Answer to Job", C.G. Jung

... But God, who also does not hear our prayers, wants to become man, creaturely man filled with darkness - the natural man who is tainted with original sin and who learnt the divine arts and sciences from the fallen angels.
"Answer to Job", C.G. Jung

I am weaving a rope to hang engineers, students and in general all those who write from left to right.
Ujun Haji, The muslim leader of Chechen resistance in 1920-ies.

The prayers of slaves are not heard in Heaven.
-Teaching of al-Yaraghi, +muslim leader in Chechnya and Daghestan, 1820-ies

Asking a Wall Street hack his opinion on the economy is like asking a producer how he feels about a play he just mounted or a runway model what she thinks about the new line. Yet that's exactly how the financial press plays it: reflexively fellative.

According to Norm Zadeh, who rates the performance of money managers, only 1-2% of money-slingers have a consistent and substantial record for good performance. Most do a little less well than the market averages, which isn't surprising, since they _are_ the market, and because fees and commissions shave a bit off their returns.

In its forecasting, math-happy economics exposes its limits to the world, proving Wassily Leontief (1971) too kind in his remark that 'in no other field of empirical inquiry has so massive and sophisticated a statistical machinery been used with such indifferent results.'

Investing is a social activity: both amateur and professional investors spend lots of time gossiping, researching, and comparing performance. Financial markets are not the sum of the rational expectations of reasoning investors, but the collective judgment of a mob.
"Wall Street: How It Works and for Whom" Doug Henwood

This is a first hand account of an attack of schizophrenia. The patient sees a piece of glass from a broken Coke bottle.
"Welcome, Silence" Carol North (quoted from
"Madness on the Couch"
by Edward Dolnick)

(description of Vietnam War Memorial in Washington D.C.)

Unlike the commemoration of the flag raising at Iwo Jima, these soldiers are flagless and exhausted. They seem to be waiting for something. But the only thing visible in the direction in which they look are the giant slabs with the names of their dead comrades.
"The Vietnam Wars 1945-1990" Marilyn B. Young

(A West Indian planter commenting on the attempt of the British government to outlaw flogging of female slaves in 1823)

Our black ladies have rather a tendency to the Amazonian cast of character; and I believe that their husbands would be very sorry to hear that they were placed beyond the reach of chastisement.
"Capitalism and Slavery" Eric Williams

"Last Exit to Brooklyn" by Hubert Selby

"The God of Small Things" by Arundhati Roy

"Pillars of Salt" by Fadia Faqir
"Sarah: A Novel" by J.T. LeRoy
"Muhammad" by Maxine Rodinson
"Pity the Nation: The Abduction of Lebanon" by Robert Fisk
"The Myth of the Good War: America in the Second World War" by Jaques R. Pauwels
"On the Road" by Jack Kerouac
"The Grapes of Wrath", John Steinbeck
"Tropic of Cancer" by Henry Miller
a reply from Bayezid of the Ottoman Empre to Tamerlan. Quoted from "The Ottoman Centuries" by Lord Kinross
"The Sun Also Rises" by Ernest Hemingway "The Sun Also Rises" by Ernest Hemingway
"This Is How You Lose Her" by Junot Diaz
"The Third and Final Continent" by Jhumpa Lahiri
"Beloved" by Toni Morrison
"The Invention of the White Race: The Origin of the Racial Oppression in Anglo-America" by Theodore W. Allen
"Hallucinations" Oliver Sacks
"Little Children" Tom Perrotta
"Jesus' Son" Denis Johnson
"Do No Harm: Stories of Life, Death, and Brain Surgery" Henry Marsh
"Последние свидетели (The Last Witnesses: A Hundred of Unchildlike Lullabys)" Светлана Алексиевич (Svetlana Alexievich)
"The Modern Traveller" Hilaire Belloc, quoted from "King Leopold's Ghost" Adam Hochschild
"Liar's Poker: Rising through the Wreckage on Wall Street" Michael Lewis
"Nobody's Fool" Richard Russo
"White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America" Nancy Isenberg
"Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City" Matthew Desmond
"An Unquiet Mind: A Memoir of Moods and Madness" Kay Redfield Jamison
"Educated: A Memoir" Tara Westover
"When Breath Becomes Air" Paul Kalanithi
"Glass Castle" Jeannette Walls
"Glass Castle" Jeannette Walls

"Babbitt" Sinclair Lewis

"Севастопольские рассказы (Sebastopol Sketches)", Лев Толстой (Leo Tolstoy)

"Крутой Маршрут (Journey into the Whirlwind)" Евгения Гинзбург (Yevgenia Ginzburg)

Михаил Покровский (Mikhail Pokrovsky)

"Былое и думы (My Past and Thoughts)" Александр Герцен (Alexander Hertzen)

E.M. Forster

"A Visit from the Goon Squad" Jennifer Egan

"Kaboom: Embracing the Suck in a Savage Little War" Matt Gallagher

"All the Pretty Horses" Cormac McCarthy

William Saroyan

"Everybody's Fool" Richard Russo