diapsids vs. synapsids,sauropduds lepidodendron and sagillaria tetrapods amniotes pelicasaur dimetridon therapsid - ectotherms, hair cynodont clade, monophiletic stem group dimetrodon gorganopsuan herbivore is a new specialization in permian dynocephalians gorganopsians tritilydont, cynodont: survived permian extinction, disaster species, lilliput effect mammals: nocturnal (poor color vision), small, efficient biting, chewing, better gait for better breathing ectoterms, secondary palate jurrasic mammals: docadonts, heremiadons, morganicadont first dinosaur introduced: megalosaur multituberculates therians island isolationism: lose big brain (not needed/expensive) flowering revolution of cretacious - helped mammals who specialized in insects metatheria : marsupials autheria: placentals monotremes: split from other manmals at triassic-jurassic boundary until disappearance, pterodactyls stemmed diversification of birds periceactyls, ardiodactyls there are twice as many bird species as mammal species palecene, Global Warming, eocene placenta was invented at least 20 times brontotheres, calecatheres brain grows on size slower than body paleoloxodon odontoceti epicyon entelodont mastodon wooly mammoth is closer to indian elephant than indian to african wooly mammoth may be righ- or left-handed by tusks smilidon (siber-tootheed tiger) camelids came from north to south america and to europe mastodon: browser, mammoth: graser short faced bear, giant sloth, terror bird great american interchange