Okay, got Frank, went through the intro. Frank kowtows to Blaut and is friends with Eric Wolf (them radical scholars appear to run in packs). At the time of the writing Frank in his 60-ies is retired and hangs around the University of Toronto where his wife works (*bzzz*, senility alert). He's written 30-some books (*bzz*, possible quality problems). Judging by the table of contents the book seems substantial but we'll see. Observations so far. Frank has stangoffian white guilt problems. Just in case you did not know -- Europe is but an insignificant peninsula of the asian continent. And Mercator projection is euro-centric as it shows the british isles to be the size of India. Frank does not like the word capitalism and he does not think it exists. *eghm*. His grand picture so far is that Asia was ahead (of everybody else) forever and then Europe managed to get ahead for a couple of centuries by stealing american silver and now Asia is taking over again. ---------- I am back. On my way here I nearly finished Frank but left it on one of the planes. He started to suck badly by the end so I won't miss him.