cenozoic quaternary neogene paleogene mesozoic era * cretaceous - contients split into gondwana (south) and eurasia (north), Trex is apex pred. in north america (immigrated from asia) triceratops tiranosaurs first appeared in siberia - argentina: titanosaurus - saropods - europe: a bunch of islands: miniature versions of dinos flowering plants appear * jurassic - dinosaurs ascendant, single continent (pangea) species are the same worldwide, birds appear, sauropods - brahiosaurus, brontosaurus, diplodocus apex predator - allosaurus (no trex) * triassic - crocodilians are on top of foodchain, dinosaurs and mammals appear paleozoic * permian - permian dieoff: 10 mil long excessive vulcanism, 57% of terrestrial vertebrae, 96% of marine species, major dieoff of insects ... cambrian - theropods - sauropods - ornithischia