Finished Devil's game. Boy was that a long read. The book was rambly, he overstated his case, and it retreads some of the familiar territory, like the Taliban's cooperation with the US and Unocal's ideas of building a gas pipeline to the Indian ocean through Afghanistan. They were hoping to create another Saudi Arabia out of Afghanistan (Although, that arsehole in Nebraska who created a "Taliban primer" to teach kids to count using dead Russian soldiers and kalashnikov rifles deserves a special place in hell) Also, in the end of the book, Dreyfuss retells some of the neocon militant rhetoric of Bush' golden years: they actually were threatening to break up the very same Saudi Arabia because it was deemed too unstable. They also had plans for Iran and Syria. It wasn't long ago and seems so thoroughly forgotten now. Dreyfuss also names the creators and picks apart the "clash of civilizations" theory that is still in fashion. That was a nice read. Dreyfuss is probably the only one who thoroughly analyzes Islamic banking and the source of financing for Islamic radicalism as well as just a reactionary prop for the repressive regimes in the gulf. Another amusing tidbit is how much Israel was culpable in fostering Islamic fundamentalism. In one place Dreyfuss sort of recounts how they sold arms to Afghanistan, to Iran, supported the Islamic brotherhood in Jordan and Lebanon so that it would destabilize Syria. Let alone nurturing Hamas.