- intelligence - mechanical ability to manipulate facts and knowledge usually in pursuit of a specific goal -- utilitarianism - the doctrine that an action is right insofar as it promotes happiness, and that the greatest happiness of the greatest number should be the guiding principle of conduct. - itellectualism - ability to critically think, reflect with the purpose of pursuing "the truth". Without specific goal in mind. "the truth" is as elusive as the pursuit of happiness - zealot(ry) - (uncritical) pursuit of a single idea or belief - anti-intellectual - fringe intellectual, usually a business person or a religious leader in US usally accuses itellectual of disloyalty, communist sympathies - egghead Dwight Eisenhower won in 1952 presidential elections over Adlai Stevenson antinomy evangelical religion, business as aspirations in early american society american religious awakening mid 18th century in 1790 90% of americans were unchurched evangelicals methodists, baptists evangelical preature succession: Feaney, Moody, Billy Sunday, Graham, Jefferson was attacked as intellectual, as a philosopher anti-intellectual Jacksonian movement bear garden Ted Roosevelt - harvard educated, western hunter, military service: new type of politician - has to offset his intellectual training Stevenson candidate from dem. party, 1952 against Eisenhower/Nixon, McCarthy vocationalism JFK 1960 campaign over Nixon communist anti-intellectual doctrinaires ideal of schooling everyone, high-school is not a prep for college, colleges are drawn to serve highschools, school curricula is composed by superintendants, not college professors life adjustment movement on education Dewey, education as growth high school as elite prep school, then a terminal mass degree, now a mass prep school conformity to society inculcated by teacher vs. conformity to peers Magwump culture Hawthorne: I only dreamed of living lonely crowd relationship between intellectual and alienation, society and power vs. intellectual intellectual vs. bohemian