yeah, he is a little hard(er) to read. He did, however, teach English lit somewhere. -------------- especially after artsy and prissy GoST. I kind of like a direct in your face brutality of his prose (like a kick on the nose :-) -------------- I am about 2-3ds done with EtB. It goes pretty well. The current short story is "Strike" about a self-important union functionary in direction of a long drawn-out strike mixed with his, err, mixed sexual orientation. At first it appeared a little more didactic than the previous stores but then you just sort of catch the different, more sketchy style of the narrative and things go smoothly. Oh, yeah, the union officials have just paid local goons to blow up trucks the scabs used to break the picket line. And they are fighting for a 30-hour workweek, sweet. ----------------- There is yet another detailed (similar to the one I quoted) description of a beating. The last novella reads like "the city of god" only for adults and with fewer guns blazing.